Improvements to headlamps
Based on the past 6 months, we have made some changes to the headlamps that, although not outwardly visible, result in greater long-term reliability and utility value. The specific changes are as follows:
- We have replaced the switch with a different type. Unfortunately, the original one proved to be not entirely reliable even though it came from a reputable manufacturer and worked without issue on all pre-production prototypes. We have experienced a few failures with our customers and the replacement was done promptly.
- A different way of internal assembly of the headlamp. We originally bolted the electrical connection of the heat sink module to the actual control electronics. It turns out that this connection can loosen over time and start to flicker and possibly lose contact when pressed. We have now switched to a solid soldered connection that will take anything really.
- More precise centering and alignment of the optics.The light now forms a catalog-like cone - a beautiful smooth transition from the center to the edges.
- We added another ceramic capacitor to the PCB. This eliminates a complication we had on a couple of headlamps, which was that with the right combination of conditions (low battery and warm or freezing headlamp), the headlamp might not turn on until the second squeeze.
- Better lubrication of the heat sink. It improves the heat transfer from the heatsink to the outer cooling fins, so the headlamp lasts longer on the highest mode before switching due to overheating occurs or not at all.
It is not very common for a manufacturer to mention what previous products failed to do. Trust that you can contact us if you have any problems and we handle warranty service above and beyond. All changes except item 3), which unfortunately is dependent on the already machined aluminum head, we offer to modify for the price of shipping (if you remove in person then absolutely free) on all your 1st generation headlamps so that you can continue to use our Lucifer headlamp and not be afraid to rely on it.
All newly shipped headlamps have of course been incorporating these changes for some time now.